Tower28 Spec Shoot

Macro shot of product being applied on lips beauty shot photographed in northern Virginia
Model grabbing product from back pocket photographed by Yesi in a studio in Northern Virginia
Beauty Photoshoot with tower28 product photographed by Yesi in Northern Virginia
Female model applying product on lips photographed in DMV area
Model applying product on lips photographed in DMV area
Female model looking over shoulder photographed in DMV Photography Studio
model holding blush product photographed in northern Virginia
model smiling holding product photographed in a studio by Yesi in Washington DC


Naked Sunday Test Shoot

female model holding naked sunday product photographed in a studio in Alexandria, Virginia
Half face of female model holding naked sunday product photographed in a studio in Alexandria, Virginia
female model kissing naked sunday product photographed in a studio in Alexandria, Virginia
female model's hands holding naked sunday product on one hand and applying product on other handphotographed in a studio in Alexandria, Virginia
female model holding naked sunday product and looking at it photographed in a studio in Alexandria, Virginia
female model beauty shot photographed in a studio in Alexandria, Virginia

Avatara: Kom-bu-Cha

Spec Shoot

Female model with beauty product on face photographed by female east coast photograper, Yesi
Female model with beauty product on face photographed by female east coast photograper, Yesi
Female model holding product and looking at the camera. Photographed by Yesi, female east coast photographer
Female model with beauty product on face photographed by female east coast photograper, Yesi
half face of Female model with beauty product on face photographed by female east coast photograper, Yesi

 Pixie- test Shoot

female holding product by chin photographed in a studio in the DMV area
Macro shot of lipstick being applied on lips photographed by Yesi, female photographer from east coast
Female model smiling at camera with beauty product photographed in a studio by Yesi
Female model smiling with product photographed in Alexandria, Virginia by Yesi